We’ve All Done It

Book Read-Along with the Author

Transform your leadership approach and create actionable strategies LIVE with leadership expert, Kimberly J Benoit & her book, We’ve All Done It: Getting Real About the Role We Each Play in a Toxic Workplace

Before time runs out…

Tired of feeling like you can never get it right with your team?

Whether you are new to leadership or have been in the trenches for years, the daily grind of managing others while navigating all of the politics and policies can wear anyone down.

Join me in this program where we break down common workplace scenarios, learn from each other and create actionable plans to be better prepared in the future, allowing us to show up as our true authentic self.

Includes the eBook & Discussion Guide

6 x 45-min Weekly Discussion Sessions led by the Author

Community Accountability & Action Taking

About the Program

Over 6 weeks, we will:

  • Break down common scenarios that cause the most troubles for leaders, as highlighted in the book

  • Gain awareness of your own tendencies

  • Draft an actionable plan to be a better leader when faced with these challenges

We meet every Wednesday from 12-12:45m EST via Zoom
Starting on March 26, 2025.

*All sessions will be recorded

Curious about the book?

Have you ever had a toxic leader? I bet you chuckled and nodded just reading that question. We all have!

Now for the next question: How many of your current and former employees see your face when they’re asked that same question? I know I have a few names that come to mind.

We’ve All Done It is a compassionate, yet humorous, look at the role we each play in creating and sustaining a toxic workplace. Whether or not we intend to, our choices either create, encourage, or, conversely, minimize and deescalate the level of toxicity and dysfunction within our workplaces. Together, we look at common workplace scenarios (think narcissistic leaders, leaders who are BFFs with subordinates, screamers, and much more) and consider when we have fed the proverbial toxic beast and how we can do better in the future.

This self-awareness journey is not about judgement. Again, we are all guilty at one point in time. The power is recognizing it and choosing to do something about it.

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Meet the Author

As a leadership & organizational strategy expert, bestselling author, Kimberly J Benoit is known for the We’ve All Done It™ Framework: a compassionate, eye-opening approach to keeping great leaders, uniting teams, and creating healthy cultures from the inside out.

Via her 1:1 leadership work, speaking, podcast, and book, Kimberly offers fresh strategies to organizations craving efficient ways to increase retention and engagement in the age of constant turnover, burnout, and dysfunction at work. Based in Vienna, VA, Kimberly partners with clients globally.