Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, 
with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.
– Hal Borland

As I have gotten older, I find each passing year to  be filled with the most interesting challenges. There are always unexpected journeys and detours which push me out of my comfort zone. I always grow in so many ways from my many successes and, more importantly, my failures. I know that we so often view failures as a negative when the truth is this is our greatest chance to become more and better than we are and have been.

Without it, we would never change.

As we approach the end of another year, there is a little activity I like to do. It was started by a friend who creates a beautiful backyard fire pit and invites some friends over. She provides pen and paper, but you can bring whatever (within reason) that you would like to burn from the year that you would like cleansing from.

Here are some examples I have witnessed in years past.

  • Marriage license from a recent divorcee
  • A draft of a dissertation that was finally accepted
  • The last moving box from someone who had just moved into a new home
  • Final statements from recently paid off student loans

What do I burn, you ask?


I actually write a letter every year. It is kind of a letter to myself and to the universe. It isn’t for anyone else to read but me and the flames.

Here are some things that I always include…

  • Lessons I am most grateful for learning
  • The fears and insecurities that I weighed me down
  • Any negative stories, thoughts, or energy that I don’t want to bring with me into the new year
  • Gratitude for the ability to always go forward.


I believe that my best is always before me. It will take lots of work. I can’t do the work if I am being held back by shit I can’t let go of.

The fire represents a cleansing, if you will. An ability to rise from the ashes, the lessons and learnings of all that you have gone through.

I encourage you to take up your own pen and see what comes to paper. You might be surprised.

Now, let’s go burn some stuff and get ready to take on the New Year!!

Until next year…


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