We all do it. Make a list of things we want to do. Maybe things that we want to change. Technically, nothing on that list is hard. So, why are we struggling with our goals?


I mean, there is nothing compared to transplant surgery or nuclear physics. 


For me, it is as simple as …


  • Drink more water
  • Exercise more
  • Finish a hobby project that I started 3 years ago
  • Schedule my dentist appointment


All of these are SO simple. Right? Then, why do I procrastinate? Why can’t I just get them done?

Just because it seems simple doesn’t mean it is easy. 


We are all doing it. I can virtually see the head nodding.  Now let’s talk about how we bust out of a rut and start tackling our goals.


  • It starts with being honest about why you are hesitating. You can’t address something if you aren’t dealing with the real reason of why you are avoiding it. I will be a guinea pig for this activity – Drink more water. I am embarrassed that I struggle with this. It is water, for goodness sake! For me, I would prefer to drink other things with more flavor. Not that I hate the taste of water. It just gets boring sometimes. Also, I can’t be going to the bathroom all the time. I have work to do, people! UGH! It can seem so hopeless, but it isn’t. I promise! 


  • Now that we have some ideas of the resistance, let’s talk about what we do next. Let’s break it into smaller steps. Using my water example, I tried adding lemon or lime to my water. Also, drinking it at different temperatures has helped. On cold days, I love a warm mug of water with some lemon. How about chilled sparkling water?! Shake it up! It doesn’t just need to come from the tap. I have even added in unsweetened herbal teas like mint tea and ginger tea. It is hydrating and good for my digestive system. 

Any progress, no matter how small, is still progress.

  • I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I know a TON of people who hate drinking water but also want to add more hydration into their day. Find a friend to help motivate you and hold you accountable to actually get it done. See what they are doing and share ideas. You never know when something they are doing might work for you. We all need this. You know what I am talking about. That person who can be your cheerleader when needed. Or the person to kick us in the pants every once in a while. Someone who will call us on our BS. I know I do. 


  • Lastly, accept that change is hard but necessary. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You just have to show up every day in some way. Believe it or not, just believing that change is possible can help. Nothing in life is perfect so aim for small steps forward.


I know my example is pretty basic, but if something feels overwhelming that is absolutely okay. Just start with baby steps. Try something. Any progress, no matter how small, is still progress. The important part is to not give up. Feeling like a failure one day does not make you a failure. It was one day. Don’t let it be an excuse to not try again. 


Want more support? Sign up for my FREE training to help get out of your rut or schedule a free consultation with me to see how we might be able to work together.

Let’s support each other and stay motivated with whatever goals or intentions that we have set. Tomorrow is a new day. Just keep going. 

Until next time…



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